So as they got near ‘our’ window, one of the brothers, Brother Brown, noticed and he had that familiar look on his face. The same look we all have when we meet new brothers and sisters at restaurants and stores.
They came in and we introduced ourselves. Literally, a minute later, one of the sisters invited us to sit with them. So we did and we ate, conversed, and laughed for about an hour and made arrangements to make them dinner later for that day. So they returned to the preaching work, because that is the reason why they came. Every so often we get brothers from English-speaking congregations to preach to the English-speaking territory, since it is seldom worked. These brothers are from Houston. We have also received some from San Antonio, Austin, and even Florida!
So a few hours later, the meat, mashed potatoes, spaghetti and meatballs, rice, and beans were ready. They came, about 12 of them, and we ate some more, conversed some more, and laughed a whole lot more. We even took this picture with them, and exchanged numbers.
The people that passed by the house, without a doubt, would’ve thought that our guests were family or old friends, by the way we were treating each other and all the pictures we were taking outside. - John 13.35 – “By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.”
The brothers were awesome. It was an awesome night. I think that this experience really encouraged them to continue working seldom-worked territory, as well as encouraging others to do so. We had dinner with 13 people, whom we have never met before, and had a great time. And it all started with a tract in a shirt pocket.
Psalm 133 – “Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the good oil upon the head, that is running down upon the beard, Aaron’s beard, that is running down to the collar of his garments. It is like the dew of Her´mon that is descending upon the mountains of Zion. For there Jehovah commanded the blessing [to be], [even] life to time indefinite.”
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