Friday, December 10, 2010

What spiritual gifts we have received in the past 3 months! We had the circuit overseer's visit at the end of October. We then had the Circuit Assembly a couple of weeks after that. Then the Special Session for the Pioneers a couple weeks after that. THEN we are having the Kingdom Ministry School next weekend. Wow! One blessing after another. Jehovah gives us what we need when we needed. And to top that all off, I finally got part-time! There are still a few bugs to work out, but thanks to Jehovah, i now have more time for service and other fun theocratic things to do. :)

But what does make me a bit sad is that we have one more visit by the brothers Ortiz. And they don't even know if they are going to be able to make it for the last visit. It has been announced that the circuit is growing and there are not enough weeks in the next 6 months to visit all of the congregations. But that is good news, in a way. Jehovah's organization is expanding rapidly. Since the year 2000, more than 276,000 dedicated themselves to Jehovah. And within that same amount of time, about 1,600 congregations were formed each year. Isaiah's prophecy is being fulfilled (Isaiah 60:22). And that is even with the opposition that Satan's world throws at us. It's like what the circuit assembly talked about. We are not part of the world and Jehovah gives us all of the tools to help us. We have the "complete suit of armor from God" (Ephesians 6:11-18). It's interesting that verses 11 and 13 both say of the "complete" armor. The brother Melendez enphasized that. It would be reidiculous for a soldier to go out into battle while missing a boot, or without his shield, or his chest plate. We too need all of the armor and each one was explained, as it is in our publications.

But it's been wonderful. I know I haven't written in a while. It's been busy. But it feels good to write a bit.

Until next time. And hopefully that next time is soon.

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